Saturday, July 9, 2016

San Francisco and Saturday night adventures

It's a quarter to midnight and we venture into a new diner called Starboard in the Mission. The music from the venue next door is blaring and mixing with the music in the diner. It creates a hip hop kind of rock mix which makes it difficult to read the menu until you figure out why the music is so distorted. Guess you can't blame them, whatcha going to do if you share walls with a San Francisco club? 

Upon ordering the wedge salad and the Pork chop we sit and watch the nearly empty restaurant. The table has brown butcher paper over it with an assortment of crayons. My travel companion lifts a black crayon to his face and holds it as if he is smoking a cig. He goes on waving the fake cig around while saying things that sound semi-important and mostly dramatic creating a narrative he hopes will make me laugh. Once he is done with his performance he looks at me out of character and says "do I look French?" I don't answer and pick up a yellow crayon and hold it to my face and take a fake puff. He belts out in laughter and I say "does that answer your question?" which makes him laugh more. 

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