Wednesday, August 17, 2016

During the Hottest Month Ever Recorded on Earth this is What I was Reading.

This summer I picked up a book called This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. Climate (2014) hoping to have a reading experience that would challenge my worldview this summer. I first heard about This Changes Everything from a bartender at a bar I frequent in the East Village. Knowing that I was a science teacher he was telling me about this amazing book he was reading about the climate. He was giving it rave reviews and ever since then it keeps popping up in different book reviews. I took the plunge and bought it.

I started reading the book on my flight from Hanoi to Danang in Vietnam. Fearing it would be a "boring" environmental book, I have found the opposite to be true. It has been a page turner because it unites science, history, politics, diplomacy, culture etc! There are times when I'm reading the book were I just shake my head in disbelief thinking "is this fiction!?! This CANNOT be true!!" and then you look at all her citations and you shake your head more. 

For instance, I did not know that there was this think tank called "Heartland Institute" that prides itself on protecting the free market and advocating for limited government. They created a plan on how to sell the idea that the science involved with global warming is wrong to the American people. These think tanks sat in a room with the money from anonymous billionaires to develop a plan to protect big business even if it meant consciously harming our environment in big ways. 

One statistic from the book I can't stop thinking about is "A 2007 Harris poll found that 71% of Americans believed that the continued burning of fossil fuels would alter the climate. By 2009 the figure had dropped to 51%. In June 2011, the number dropped to 44% - well under half the population" (Klein, 35). The book goes to explain how this think tank implemented the plan.

Although I cannot explain this nearly as well as the book (which I recommend you read), I will do my best to abbreviate a few of the points:

How to Protect Your American Big Business 

Step #1: Hire a group of think tanks who will protect your businesses interests - financially, politically, and culturally. Give them thousands (or Millions) of dollars to play with. Then be involved with as much or as little of the process as you desire. It's nice that the think tank takes anonymous donations so that your business(es) and your name don't get brought up in political conversation, which *could* mean "bad" business for you. It's best to stay as anonymous as possible - you don't want the American people knowing your name.

Step #2: Make Climate Change personal. Concince people that the choice isn't about climate change but really about "Do you love America?!?" Stop all media broadcasting about our changing world that even suggests global warming. Tell people that by taking environmentally aware actions you are actually a socialist/communist by creating news media that implies this. (AKA you can't be a good conservative if you are concerned or worried about the environment because if you did that then you are agreeing that the fundamental part of our conservative philosophy is wrong.)

Step #3: Tell people that the "Science" is wrong and their needs to be a "restoring of the scientific method" with research conducted by people who do not hold scientific degrees or publish in peer reviewed journals. Create pamphlets, books, and YouTube videos that push this agenda and claim to be legit. (Meanwhile, their research apparently 'outsmarts' the 97% of the worlds climate scientists who made a life of studying the Earth.)

Step #4: Once the science agenda is working for many, the few that are still not convinced explain that "well even if it was true, we can't possibly do anything about it!" Set up a long list of denier buzz phrases such as "well it's not our problem it's the developing world!" Or "we could never change our lifestyle"  Or "the countries of the world will never agree on a world action plan" Or "one persons actions are not going to impact this" Or "we are already so far gone there's no point." Over dramatize the impacts of being environmentally aware with a slippery slope argument aka "if we let those environmentalist inform our policy then the next thing you know we will be living in huts without running water and electricity!" ***Note many of these phrases work for people who are moderate and liberals too.

Step #5: Watch the polls from 2007 to 2011 drop dramatically as people believe burning fossil fuels will not alter our climate and therefore we should not do anything about it. As the Heartland Institude you are free to lobby politicians with this worldview you created in hand. Best yet many politicians will have absorbed this agenda (along with the people they represent) and they will help push the original big business agenda without even realizing that's what this was all about!

Of course, this is the simplified version. If you want the full version read the book.

When I was reading the passages about the Heartland Institutes plan I was like... This can't be true! First of all, I have NEVER heard of this institute and I have a degree in science. HOW is that possible? Second, if some friend came up to me and explained what I just explained, I'd be like you're lying- there's no way! I've never even heard of this! Third,  no one, institute or not is THAT malicious. (Hahaha... My bad). But then when you are reading the book there's just so much evidence she walks you through and its maddening! It's just citation after citation - I started looking up stuff on the internet myself just to be sure.. And boom.. When you start looking it's all there.

And then I feel stupid. I think about various anti-climate agenda I've seen in my own family. I think about the news reports I've seen on tv. I think about how I myself wasn't really convinced climate change was real until I did an experiment in COLLEGE that required me to drop alkaseltzer (turns into CO2) into a beaker of water wrapped with Saran Wrap and compared it to a beaker that didn't have excess CO2. The temperature in the CO2 one skyrocketed. I was (secretly) very alarmed and this was enough evidence for me begin considering other ideas about climate change. I realized in reality I knew nearly nothing.

The American people have been LIED to by these think tanks through massive propaganda all in the name to save big business. Part of their plan was to make climate change a cultural identity, to make slippery slope arguments (if we let environmental policy come in next thing you know we are going to be living in a world without luxury!), devalue science by claiming the science is "wrong", and so many other things. I'm amazed and horrified at how organized this movement is.. and how I have NEVER heard of this Heartland institute until now. WHY!? I expect more of my fellow Americans. Why do we tolerate this behavior?

I'm in such disbelief that this exists...and yet when I sit back and actually think about it, it makes perfect sense.  How else can something so wrong become so right? 

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