Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"Art Should Disturb the Comfortable and Comfort the Disturbed" -Cesar Cruz

I'm in London! I've been averaging about 7+ miles per day since July 1st, which makes for a very tired Amanda by mid-July so I have been passing out as soon as I get home instead of blogging. Also, I haven't been carrying my camera around because after a few miles it feels like lead. But nonetheless here I am.

Image result for giacometti tateMy trip to London has largely been dominated by art. Yesterday I went to the Tate Modern for the first time and spent a couple hours in their Giacometti (Swiss sculptor) and Soul of Nation (Black art in America from the 1960-80s) Exhibitions. For me the Soul of the Nation exhibition stole the show - I found it to be incredibly powerful and moving. I don't think I'm ready to talk about my reflections in a blog format aside from encouraging everyone to see it.  Learning more about who "we" are as America will always be difficult if comfortable Americans refuse to be uncomfortable. It might be one of the most powerful art exhibitions I have seen in my life thus far and I know I will continue to think about it probably forever. It might be the highlight of my summer.

One a different note, I found myself being incredibly grateful for my liberal arts education. I took a class on modern art that focused on artists in the 2000-2010. Although I didn't always like everything that was presented in the class, I learned how to value and create art, which was the ultimate goal. I'm not sure if I would have appreciated the exhibits as much as did without this entry point and for that I am thankful.

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