Thursday, July 27, 2017

Where I am Staying in Prague

big kitchen with everything you need, including coffee machine
A nice and BIG kitchen for lunch and tea making!

I have arrived in Prague and will be here for about a week.  This is the part of the summer were I start lounging around in different parts of the world mostly to read books, write, nap, and maybe win the cultural victory on the Civ 6 game I'm working on (I'm really good at stealing famous art from other civs. I love my spies!). Or it's quite possible I will do none of the above and bum around. It's my summer after all.

We are staying a short distance from the touristy center in Prague. The goal today will be to eat dinner in a new neighborhood and explore AWAY from the tourists. I have a hunch there will be a neighborhood  that I will fall in love with much like my favorite one in Amsterdam - but I could be wrong.

living room (design books, guitar, television, audio system - Apple friendly, PlayStation 3 and some games, iPad) good place to have a rest
Living Room where I am writing from right now.

The apartment I'm staying in is HUGE. I have a hard time managing larger spaces I am discovering. In NYC my apartment is so small I don't have to look very far to find whatever thing I misplaced or lost - it forgives a lot of my disorganized spacial tendencies. Here I have to wander between the 5 rooms and ask if anyone has seen my "Americanah" novel and debate with myself if I actually did leave it in the cab or put it somewhere else mindlessly. It was under my headphones, which was under my large cardigan and  took 10 minutes of effort to find. It is also probably worth noting, I was not the one that found it. 😀 This is the kind of thing people near me have to learn to put up with, but I will try and be a little better at it. All the same, its nice to have a large space to spread out.

Lastly, the shower here is pretty amazing and deserves to be mentioned. It has heated floors, which I love and two different facets. I'm a big fan!

industrial wall with working space
Another Writing Area. Although, I prefer the living room for myself.
You can see more details about where I am staying here.

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