Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Arriving in New Delhi

We made it to Delhi! I’m super tired, but I did sleep on both flights NYC to London and then London to Delhi. I find the combination of melatonin, earplugs, eye mask, and compression socks particularly helpful in sleeping on a plane. Plus the school year just ended in NYC on Wednesday so a little sleep deprivation on top of flying never hurt. I also watched the first 2 episodes of Derry Girls, an Irish show about teenage girls growing up in Derry. Its basically the movie Lady Bird x10 set in Derry, Ireland. A favorite moment of the show was when the teenage daughter said “teenagers have Rights, Mom!”. I feel that line alone explains the show well.

I met 10 members of my cohort in London. Most of my cohort had a tough time getting out of the Midwest due to the storms in Chicago so 2 of our members were not able to meet with us in London. They arrive later today. I did get a chance to go into London which I took advantage. You know how people get cravings for food? I get those for places and this June in particular I had a strong London craving. It was so rainy and wet in June that I would often go sit in an open cafe window in a Park Slope Coffee shop and watch the rain come down while finalizing grades. Yesterday, I basically did the same in London minus the rain, with a fresh cup of tea and some pub food. (Why do the British make such better tea then us!?! Seriously I buy the same brand at home and brew it myself... its just not the same.) I love British pubs so much... a short trip into London just for that is worth it.

On to Delhi.

Before taking off, the flight attendants walked around the cabinet spraying insecticide in the aisles. I’ve never had that happen before on a flight. They say it is a request by the Indian government and they told us if you have contacts in to close your eyes. The flight was painless again mostly because I slept most of the way.

Walking out of the airport of Delhi reminds me of places I have been in South East Asia. You are hit with a wall of humidity and heat, bright colors everywhere, the usual chaotic hustle and bustle, and the overwhelming smell of air pollution. To me this feels comforting - it’s the Asia I am familiar with even though I know some things will be very different here in India.

For those curious to see, I took some video from the bus into Delhi. Its about a minute long. Check it out!!! I’m still working on my camera skills.. I’ve been told moving slower is better by some people who work the camera on the regular so I’ll keep working on that. The Indians use their car horns here to indicate where the cars are as lines are basically guidelines and no one uses a blinker. It reminds of me of Egypt in that way.

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