Wednesday, July 3, 2019

India is the land of small beverages...

“India is the land of small beverages. I barely exert myself and I am offered another small drink.” This was said by David a member in my cohort after we arrived at our 3rd village house visit. I laughed because it was true, we were being offered so many small beverages. Here’s a list of all the things I drank.. water, Fanta, tea, more water, steamed milk, and more water. 

In effort to keep this short so I can get some rest I’m going to upload my video from the day. Highlights include the visiting the village and then the Sikh temple at night. I hope to write a more detailed post about BOTH experiences, but I don’t know if I will have time. 

Some of the food served in the village. The samosas were top notch!

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