Thursday, July 4, 2019

What a school visit is like in India

Upon arriving at Khichripur School of Excellence we were greeted with a welcome ceremony that included getting a pin, red dot on the forehead, and a lei. We were also offered a welcome drink (bottled water). 
Students pinned the ribbon on us. :) 
The entrance of the school was decorated.
The students made this out of flower petals in the lobby of their school. They spent so much time on it AND it smelled really good! 
We then planted several small trees together - each of us scooping dirt into the pot.
We then lit a candle at the assembly and brought up clay oil lamp jars to lay around it.

Then several groups of students performed for us. Here’s a video of some of the festivities followed by pictures. Its a very cute performance I recommend watching it. (Its about a minute long).

Students sing a song.

Students dance.

Students danced to music from Punjab.

Here’s a video of a mime students performed on water conservation. Its about 1.5 minutes long.

We met with the Minister of Education and talked about the happiness curriculum they have implemented across India.
The happiness curriculum was designed to help students cultivate a reflective  lifestyle that ideally makes their life more meaningful and fulfilled. 

More welcome drinks!!!!

We asked students questions about their school.

Students asked questions about how much homework we assign in America to gun violence in  USA schools,  to what kinds of street food we have, to what we do on Independence Day, if students in America wear uniforms, and if we played cricket.

Explaining the symbolism of the American Flag
The day ended with dancing on the stage with the students. This also meant a million student phones started recording us immediately. 
Final Picture upon leaving.

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